Sunday, March 23, 2014


Endless studies show that even 10 minutes bouts of exercise throughout your day can make an impact on your health. Especially if you aren't sure where to start.  Here is an easy and do-able routine that you can do throughout the day, even starting a few of these will  help you lead a more active lifestyle , boost your energy and improve your mood. I know some of you might think it silly, but these will help you more than you think!!! Take a YOU break throughout your day!!
  • When you get out of bed take a big inhale and reach up, exhale forward bend toward feet, relax your head and arms. Inhale come back up and repeat 3x or more.   Then do side bends 3x each way 
  • If you're more inclined - do 10 push ups, hold a 30 second (or more) plank, 10 more push ups, 40 second plank and so on until you can work up to a 2 minute plank and 20-25 push ups at a time

  • No matter if its work or running errands or going to school....park in the furthest spot and take a brisk walk in. It will invigorate you
  • If you can, drop the kids off at school, and stop at the park you drive by everyday and take a quick 15 minute walk or run.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Sip and Fill your water the furthest sink away from you.   Same goes for using the bathroom, choose the furthest one in your office, home, mall wherever.  
  • If you are at home - do 15-30 minutes of vigorous activity Try this circuit...
    • 10 push ups (wall push ups are fine)
    • 20 alternating leg lunges
    • 30 second plank
    • 40 squats
    • 50 second high knee march/jog/jump
    • 60 second rest
    • repeat as many times as you can in the allotted time you have
    • Then have your snack, you will feel energized. 
  • Before lunch make the rounds again if you are eating in.  
  • If eating out or running errands, park further away. PS Choose from the healthy menu and take half of it with you (you can eat it for a snack later)
  • If you are in our area, come for lunch classes from 11:45-12:30 - We have an AWESOME lunch crowd - First class?  Come in and try it for FREE!
  • Here are a couple of quickie stretches you can do:
    • Dynamic Arm Raises:  This energizing move improves circulation in your upper body, while refreshing your mind.  Begin with arms at the sides of the body and feet hip distance apart, inhale and sweep arms up and over the head.  Exhale, reverse the motion.
    • Seated Forward Bend:  This gentle inversion stretches the spine and refreshes the nervous system by encouraging blood flow to the head, neck, and shoulders.  Seated on edge of chair open legs wide and turn toes out;  inhale sit tall exhale pull belly in and fold forward, if you cannot touch floor keep hands on knees exhale pull belly in and stretch forward inhale lengthen exhale fold repeat for several breaths
  • Do some quick exercises wherever you are.  30 seconds each of 
    • Tricep dips (on a chair, desk or step)
    • Plie Squats (legs wide)
    • Arm circles (arms out to sides and draw a circle - go both ways)
    • Stand on one leg
    • Wall plank (or desk plank)
    • Stand on the other leg
  • If you have stairs in your building, walk up and down a flight of stairs 3 times -if you can do more, do more :)

  • Catch your favorite class at ONE Training
  • If the weather is nice go for a walk or a run
  • If you run errands park further away 
  • If you are going home to prepare dinner, do some squats as you stand by the stove
  • Need to clean?  Turn on some great music and dance while you clean the house (get the family involved)
  • Check for fitness on demand from your cable provider - Comcast has hundreds of pre recorded exercise programs you can follow at home- a 30 minute burst before dinner will keep you from overeating.
  • Pull out an old exercise DVD - we all have them right??
  • Do a home workout - exercise while you watch tv 
  • Watching with family? friends?  Do a Commercial Challenge - hold a wall sit or a plank or do push ups for the entire duration of a commercial.
  • Eat too much?  Dust off the treadmill and walk or run for 15 minutes
  • Try relaxing yoga stretches before bed

See, it's easy to fit in a little fitness throughout your day.  We are here if you need to schedule regular exercise into your busy schedule .  Our Personal and Virtual Training Programs will help you reach your goals.  Email us today to get started.


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