Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals are Dreams with a Plan – Fulfill Them in 2014

 As we ring in 2014, many of us will be reflecting on the past year and looking to make a change.   Something like 50% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, with the #1 resolution being to lose weight.  Sadly, only about 10% of those who start out accomplish their resolution.  Don't let this be you!

Our ONE Fit Challenge is a perfect way for you to set goals and make a plan to reach them with the personal support of a mentor and friend who will help you achieve your goals.  We give you 8 weeks of coaching, advice, meal plans if you want them, classes and more plus a great support network that will encourage you to keep going when you can’t and who will help you celebrate what you have accomplished.    
Our lives are the accumulation of our choices.  We make hundreds of choices each day.   All of us can look back and see some choices that, had we chosen otherwise, could have made a huge impact on our lives. And when we choose to “start again tomorrow” because we “blew it” today or we decided to work a few extra hours to get “caught up”, time is slipping away.   All those seconds add up to a lifetime before we even realize it.  Do you want to spend them fighting the urge for your next soda because you’re tired or feeling guilty because you didn’t get in a workout?   Or do you want to spend them feeling great because you are making yourself a priority by feeding your body optimally, practicing moderation , preparing meals, and making time for exercise so you can enjoy all of those seconds living as a happier, energetic and more productive person?

We want you to teach you how to leave diets behind and eat REAL food, clean food, foods free of pesticides chemicals and other junk that you don’t need!   It’s that simple.   It’s funny, only two generations ago, the thought of NOT eating real food seemed outrageous? And now, we have to fight to do it daily.

Here are our best tips for nutrition success for you in 2014…

·         Sip this every morning for an everyday detox– 10oz warm water w/half a lemon, pinch of cinnamon or a pinch of cayenne pepper
·         Never eat less than 1200 calories
·         Sleep AT LEAST 7-8 hours per night
·         No processed foods – hint if it’s in a box or a can stay away
·         If you cannot pronounce it you shouldn't be eating it
·         Drink MORE water – hint if you pee clear you are getting enough
·         Eat as much organic as you can afford – for sure buy apples, all berries, celery, potatoes, peppers, greens, grapes, cherries, and peaches
·         Eat lots of plants- fresh and frozen have the most nutrients
·         Lean cuts of meats that are not processed - choose lunch meats such as Boarshead or Applegate Farms which have NO nitrates
·         Fish should be WILD CAUGHT - stay away from Farm-raised, and high mercury/PCB laden Swordfish, Orange Roughy, Chilean Sea Bass
·         Eat grains that are whole (look for 100% whole wheat, whole rye, etc as the first ingredient) OR consider going  “gluten-free” as many of us have a wheat allergy we don't recognize
·         Eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day to keep you blood sugar stable for less mood swings and cravings
·         Meals should be 300-500 calories, snacks 100-250 Calories
·         Eat before 7pm
·         Cut back your sugar intake - it is no different than a drug addiction as it changes your brain chemistry   
·         Limit alcohol - it slows your metabolism up to 72 hours after drinking
·         Workout 5 days per week - 150 minutes per week is maintenance, do more more for weight loss
·         Prepare and plan and your ability to eat healthy will be effortless!

If you choose to do nothing and make no changes at all, then take a good look at where you are now because next year will come quickly and it will look very much the same.  If you are okay with that, fantastic; but, if you think you might like to ring in 2015 healthier and happier, then now is the time to set those goals and take some action.  Not resolutions that will fall by the wayside in a few weeks, but real, honest to goodness goals.    We promise that we can help you have success in 2014 and we are here to help.

To join the ONE Fit Challenge or to come in and visit for the first time, come see us Friday January 3rd from 530-8pm or Saturday 9am to noon.

Need more information? Please email us or check out our website

We want to thank all of you who have supported ONE Training over the last year in becoming a client, coming to workshops, classes, participating in discussions on Facebook or simply sharing love & words of encouragement! 

Health and happiness to you all and may 2014 be a year of change and a year to remember.

Jen & Michelle xo

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