Monday, December 10, 2012


The eating season is upon us.  So how are we expected to keep it under control when there are so many tasty treats tempting us?   Here are several easy tricks you can pull out of your stocking to curb cravings and still enjoy your favorites without the holiday bulge. 

  •  Aim for 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day, which will keep your blood sugar levels steady and your appetite satisfied throughout the day. 
  •  Drinking an 8 oz. glass of water before a meal will fill you up.
  • Use a salad or dessert plate for meals to keep portion sizes under control
  • Load up on leafy greens, vegetable dishes, and lean proteins, which allow you to eat a more food for fewer calories without feeling deprived. You can still have the decadent and rich foods, just go easy.
  • Before you give in to a craving, do something healthy, like walking around the office for five minutes, or climbing a few flights of stairs.  The urge will go away.
  • Keep yourself in check by trying on those slim-fitting pants once a week and note how they fit. Too tight? Adjust your habits. Just right? Keep up the good work.
  •  Stick with your exercise routine.  You do have time and you will feel so much better after it’s done.
  • Stay away from temptation.  If the holiday potluck is in the kitchen, don’t go near it.  Out of sight out of mind.
  • Don’t shop hungry! Marketing gurus have spent years and millions on ways to stimulate your appetite while shopping. Stash healthy foods in your purse, desk or car so you’re not tempted when hunger strikes.   
  •  Allow yourself one “cheat” day per week. No, this does not give you the freedom to overdo it, but it does allow you to enjoy your favorite holiday treats reasonably.
  • When you do enjoy that treat, make one switch during the day to account for the extra calories―maybe skip the morning latte, cut out an afternoon snack, or add in an extra 15 minute workout. 

At this time of year try to be more flexible when you face daily temptations. You are in control and when you use willpower you will feel rewarded and left with a sense of accomplishment.  Follow these tips as a way to savor the culinary joys of the holidays with a less guilt and a lot less bulge.