Most studies agree that it is vital to give your body the
fuel it needs to effectively perform during exercise as well as recover from
the intense demands of a workout.
Your pre-workout meal provides energy and gives you the
ability to finish strong. When muscles move, they feed on readily available
stores of energy from carbs and protein. Therefore, a pre-workout meal should
be about 200 calories and comprised of complex carbohydrates and protein (<
10 grams). You should consume this at
least two hours before your workout. Closer to the workout is better, but never
exercise with a full stomach because your muscles will focus on digesting
instead of the workout, plus you will be uncomfortable and nauseous. You should also avoid foods that cause
gastric discomfort: acidic foods (orange or tomato based), foods with high
fiber content, warm liquids, or junk food.
Your post-workout meal promotes muscle growth and ensures
sufficient recovery from the damaged muscle tissue. Your post-workout meal
should contain between 300-500 calories with a 2 to 1 ratio of carbohydrates
(40-70 grams) to protein (20-35 grams).
Eating 30-60 minutes post-exercise will ensure an adequate insulin
response, thus quick nutrient delivery to the muscles. Carbohydrates restore your muscle glycogens
so that your muscle tissue doesn’t breakdown and helps push nutrients into your
muscle tissue faster. Protein provides the amino acids necessary to rebuild
muscle tissue while increasing the absorption of water from the intestines to
improve muscle hydration. The amino acids in protein also stimulate the immune
system, making you more resistant to colds and other infections.
While eating is important don’t forget about staying
hydrated. Water is an important
component pre- and post-workout. During
your workout, water will help alleviate cramping and combat low energy levels.
Post workout you need water to replenish what was lost through perspiration
during training.
Carefully planning your workout nutrition will help you
achieve your fitness goals more quickly.
If you are following our healthy meal recommendations, you should be
getting the fuel your body needs to perform at its best.