Monday, October 21, 2013


The biggest barrier is not taking action. 
One that keeps your life exactly the same.

If you want to change your life in any way you have to do something different.
There are no exceptions to this rule. Taking action is what changes your life; there is nothing else that will ever accomplish this. All your good intentions, talking, learning, thinking, and planning will not change your life until you actually take the actions necessary to make it happen.

Any action you take in the direction you want to go is better than taking no action at all. Right now pause for a moment and think of one action you could take consistently towards a goal you want. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just something you aren’t doing now that you could be doing.

Want to get healthy? Start small, like making a commitment to yourself to add a 10 minute walk in every day.  After a couple of weeks you will start to feel better and gain energy, then add more time to exercise plus strength training, 150 minutes per week for maintenance.  Eventually you may feel inspired to try dancing, playing sports again, start jogging or try a fitness class. Then, how great, you’ll be doing something new and different, meeting new people and you will be closer to improving your health and wellness. Think about how lousy you felt sitting on the couch!!  As you get exercise into your routine, make better food choices too, knowing 70% of your success is what you put in, and 30% of what you put out!  Whole, unprocessed, organic, real foods. Add more veggies and drink your water! 

The point is that every step toward where you want to go counts. Every time you move forward towards a goal, even a little bit, you are now in a new place and you open yourself up to the opportunity to learn something that will bring you closer to where you want to go. Every small step brings you closer. But you must take the steps by committing to an action and doing something that you aren’t already doing.

Next time you say to yourself " I know what to do, I just can’t make myself do it", turn that negativity to action.....
Exercise in your living room.  Walk at lunchtime.  Take the stairs.  Do push ups and squats in your office. Take the long way. Try a new class.  Join a new running group. Creating a support network will change everyone's perspective about health and wellness.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”  Wayne W. Dyer

Make a commitment to yourself.  Let us help you! 

Join us November 1st and 2nd (times vary, please email for info)
to register for the Fit for Life Holiday Challenge - 6 weeks to a better you this holiday!!   It will keep you accountable as you learn how to eat clean, move well and live right!  

ONE body ONE life ONE YOU

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